Education Specialists

All Kids And Family offers Educational Specialists who are able to provide modified program support and teacher consultative supports. Consultations with you, your school and your child are aimed at supporting a successful school experience. With a focus on social skills, and tailored programs, in conjunction with teachers who work with you to ensure everyone’s approach provides the most enabling opportunities for learning in a positive environment.

Early Years Support 0-8 year olds:

Depending on your child’s goals and therapy needs, support is offered at pre-school, day care or school.

Areas of Support:

Skill development– particularly social skills, play skills, cognitive and learning, school readiness concepts and independence.

Behaviour management– age appropriate issues around sleep, non compliance, behavioural support and tantrums. There is also an emphasis on routines and the development of positive age appropriate behaviours.

Toilet training support – general information on age appropriate toilet training, including information and resources, individual toilet plans and assessment of your child’s readiness for toilet training/timing.

Transition to care – support to families to find an appropriate preschool or childcare service. Once commenced at preschool/daycare, a focus on inclusion support and strategies to the staff around cognition and learning, access, inclusion, self-help skills, routines and social skill development and also offer support with accessing funding.

Transition to school– information given around types of schools available and support with navigating the processes to enrol. Liaising with various professionals in the school system/s to support your child’s enrolment and a positive transition into school. Support with IEPs (Individual education plans) and accessing additional funding. Once commenced at school support can be given to staff around access to the curriculum and inclusion across the school day

Community access and participation – supporting you and your child to be positively included in playgroups, parks, community groups and settings that you may find difficult to attend at present

Student Support 5-18 year olds:

Primary school and high school visits provide individual inclusion support. The focus is on specific goals and therapy needs are offered in the clinic, school, or home where applicable

Areas of Support:

Individual Therapy – supporting children to develop skills in understanding and managing their emotions, strategies for coping with school-based anxieties and developing age-appropriate problem-solving skills.

Skill Development – particularly social skills, life skills and high-school readiness. Sessions are dependent on the group or individual child’s needs and occur in the clinic and the wider community.  

Behaviour Management – age-appropriate issues around emotional regulation, non-compliance, classroom behaviour support.

Transition to School –liaising with various professionals in the school, system/s to support your child’s enrolment and a positive transition into high school. Support with IEPs (Individual Education Plans) and support accessing additional funding. Once commenced at high school support can be given to staff around access to the curriculum and inclusion across the school day.

Family/Parent Support – Session to support parents with daily living tasks, behavioural management support and guidance for parents through navigating the education system.